Appendix A. FAQ


What is CBC?


The COIN-OR Branch and Cut code is designed to be a high quality mixed integer code provided under the terms of the Common Public License. CBC is written in C++, and is primarily intended to be used as a callable library (though a rudimentary stand-alone executable exists). The first documented release was .90.0 The current release is version .90.0. (JF 04/01/05)


What are some of the features of CBC?


CBC allows the use of any CGL cuts and the use of heuristics and specialized branching methods. (JF 04/01/05)


How do I obtain and install CBC?


Please see the COIN-OR FAQ for details on how to obtain and install COIN-OR modules. (JF 04/01/05)


Is CBC reliable?


CBC has been tested on many problems, but more testing and improvement is needed before it can get to version 1.0. (JF 04/01/05)


Is there any documentation for CBC?


If you can see this you have the best there is:-) Also available is a list of CBC class descriptions generated by Doxygen. (JF 04/01/05)


Is CBC as fast as Cplex or Xpress?


No. However its design is much more flexible so advanced users will be able to tailor CBC to their needs. (JF 04/01/05)


When will version 1.0 of CBC be available?


It is expected that version 1.0 will be released in time for the 2005 INFORMS annual meeting. (JF 04/01/05)


What can the community do to help?


People from all around the world are already helping. There are probably ten people who do not always post to the discussion mail list but are constantly "improving" the code by demanding performance or bug fixes or enhancements. And there are others posting questions to discussion groups. (JF 04/01/05)

A good start is to join the coin-discuss mailing list where CBC is discussed. Some other possibilities include:

  • Comment on the design

  • Give feedback on the documentation and FAQs.

  • Break the code, or better yet -- mend it.

  • Tackle any of the "to-dos" listed in the Doxyen documentation and contribute back to COIN-OR.