_EKKfactinfo | |
 doubleton_action::action | |
 remove_dual_action::action | Postsolve (bound restore) instruction |
 dupcol_action::action | |
 duprow_action::action | |
 duprow3_action::action | |
 gubrow_action::action | |
 twoxtwo_action::action | |
 drop_empty_cols_action::action | |
 drop_empty_rows_action::action | |
 remove_fixed_action::action | Structure to hold information necessary to reintroduce a column into the problem representation |
 make_fixed_action::action | Structure to preserve the bound overwritten when fixing a variable |
 forcing_constraint_action::action | |
 implied_free_action::action | |
 slack_doubleton_action::action | |
 slack_singleton_action::action | |
 subst_constraint_action::action | |
 do_tighten_action::action | |
 tripleton_action::action | |
 useless_constraint_action::action | |
 std::allocator< T > | STL class |
 OsiSolverInterface::ApplyCutsReturnCode | Internal class for obtaining status from the applyCuts method |
 std::array< T > | STL class |
 std::auto_ptr< T > | STL class |
 std::basic_string< Char > | STL class |
  std::string | STL class |
  std::wstring | STL class |
 std::basic_string< char > | |
 std::basic_string< wchar_t > | |
 std::bitset< Bits > | STL class |
 BitVector128 | |
 CoinAbsFltEq | Equality to an absolute tolerance |
 CoinArrayWithLength | Pointer with length in bytes |
  CoinArbitraryArrayWithLength | Arbitrary version |
  CoinBigIndexArrayWithLength | CoinBigIndex * version |
  CoinDoubleArrayWithLength | Double * version |
  CoinFactorizationDoubleArrayWithLength | CoinFactorizationDouble * version |
  CoinFactorizationLongDoubleArrayWithLength | CoinFactorizationLongDouble * version |
  CoinIntArrayWithLength | Int * version |
  CoinUnsignedIntArrayWithLength | Unsigned int * version |
  CoinVoidStarArrayWithLength | Void * version |
 CoinBaseModel | |
  CoinModel | This is a simple minded model which is stored in a format which makes it easier to construct and modify but not efficient for algorithms |
  CoinStructuredModel | |
 CoinBuild | In many cases it is natural to build a model by adding one row at a time |
 CoinDenseVector< T > | Dense Vector |
 CoinError | Error Class thrown by an exception |
 CoinExternalVectorFirstGreater_2< S, T, V > | Function operator |
 CoinExternalVectorFirstGreater_3< S, T, U, V > | Function operator |
 CoinExternalVectorFirstLess_2< S, T, V > | Function operator |
 CoinExternalVectorFirstLess_3< S, T, U, V > | Function operator |
 CoinFactorization | This deals with Factorization and Updates |
 CoinFileIOBase | Base class for FileIO classes |
  CoinFileInput | Abstract base class for file input classes |
   CoinPlainFileInput | This reads plain text files |
  CoinFileOutput | Abstract base class for file output classes |
 CoinFirstAbsGreater_2< S, T > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstAbsGreater_3< S, T, U > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstAbsLess_2< S, T > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstAbsLess_3< S, T, U > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstGreater_2< S, T > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstGreater_3< S, T, U > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstLess_2< S, T > | Function operator |
 CoinFirstLess_3< S, T, U > | Function operator |
 CoinLpIO::CoinHashLink | |
 CoinMpsIO::CoinHashLink | |
 CoinIndexedVector | Indexed Vector |
  CoinPartitionedVector | |
 CoinLpIO | Class to read and write Lp files |
 CoinMessageHandler | Base class for message handling |
 CoinMessages | Class to hold and manipulate an array of massaged messages |
  CoinMessage | The standard set of Coin messages |
 CoinModelHash | |
 CoinModelHash2 | For int,int hashing |
 CoinModelHashLink | For names and hashing |
 CoinModelHashLink2 | |
 CoinModelInfo2 | This is a model which is made up of Coin(Structured)Model blocks |
 CoinModelLink | This is for various structures/classes needed by CoinModel |
 CoinModelLinkedList | |
 CoinModelTriple | For linked lists |
 CoinMpsCardReader | Very simple code for reading MPS data |
 CoinMpsIO | MPS IO Interface |
 CoinOneMessage | Class for one massaged message |
 CoinOtherFactorization | Abstract base class which also has some scalars so can be used from Dense or Simp |
  CoinDenseFactorization | This deals with Factorization and Updates This is a simple dense version so other people can write a better one |
  CoinOslFactorization | |
  CoinSimpFactorization | |
 CoinSnapshot::coinOwned | To say whether arrays etc are owned by CoinSnapshot |
 CoinPackedMatrix | Sparse Matrix Base Class |
 CoinPackedVectorBase | Abstract base class for various sparse vectors |
  CoinPackedVector | Sparse Vector |
  CoinShallowPackedVector | Shallow Sparse Vector |
 CoinPair< S, T > | An ordered pair |
 CoinParam | A base class for `keyword value' command line parameters |
 CoinPrePostsolveMatrix | Collects all the information about the problem that is needed in both presolve and postsolve |
  CoinPostsolveMatrix | Augments CoinPrePostsolveMatrix with information about the problem that is only needed during postsolve |
  CoinPresolveMatrix | Augments CoinPrePostsolveMatrix with information about the problem that is only needed during presolve |
 CoinPresolveAction | Abstract base class of all presolve routines |
  do_tighten_action | |
  doubleton_action | Solve ax+by=c for y and substitute y out of the problem |
  drop_empty_cols_action | Physically removes empty columns in presolve, and reinserts empty columns in postsolve |
  drop_empty_rows_action | Physically removes empty rows in presolve, and reinserts empty rows in postsolve |
  drop_zero_coefficients_action | Removal of explicit zeros |
  dupcol_action | Detect and remove duplicate columns |
  duprow3_action | |
  duprow_action | Detect and remove duplicate rows |
  forcing_constraint_action | Detect and process forcing constraints and useless constraints |
  gubrow_action | Detect and remove entries whose sum is known |
  implied_free_action | Detect and process implied free variables |
  isolated_constraint_action | |
  make_fixed_action | Fix a variable at a specified bound |
  remove_dual_action | Attempt to fix variables by bounding reduced costs |
  remove_fixed_action | Excise fixed variables from the model |
  slack_doubleton_action | Convert an explicit bound constraint to a column bound |
  slack_singleton_action | For variables with one entry |
  subst_constraint_action | Detect and process implied free variables |
  tripleton_action | We are only going to do this if it does not increase number of elements? |
  twoxtwo_action | Detect interesting 2 by 2 blocks |
  useless_constraint_action | |
 CoinPresolveMonitor | Monitor a row or column for modification |
 CoinRational | |
 CoinRelFltEq | Equality to a scaled tolerance |
 CoinSearchTreeBase | |
  CoinSearchTree< Comp > | |
 CoinSearchTreeCompareBest | Best first search |
 CoinSearchTreeCompareBreadth | |
 CoinSearchTreeCompareDepth | Depth First Search |
 CoinSearchTreeComparePreferred | Function objects to compare search tree nodes |
 CoinSearchTreeManager | |
 CoinSet | Very simple class for containing data on set |
  CoinSosSet | Very simple class for containing SOS set |
 CoinSnapshot | NON Abstract Base Class for interfacing with cut generators or branching code or |
 CoinThreadRandom | Class for thread specific random numbers |
 CoinTimer | This class implements a timer that also implements a tracing functionality |
 CoinTreeNode | A class from which the real tree nodes should be derived from |
 CoinTreeSiblings | |
 CoinTriple< S, T, U > | |
 CoinWarmStart | Abstract base class for warm start information |
  CoinWarmStartBasis | The default COIN simplex (basis-oriented) warm start class |
  CoinWarmStartDual | WarmStart information that is only a dual vector |
  CoinWarmStartPrimalDual | WarmStart information that is only a dual vector |
  CoinWarmStartVector< T > | WarmStart information that is only a vector |
  CoinWarmStartVector< double > | |
  CoinWarmStartVector< U > | |
  CoinWarmStartVectorPair< T, U > | |
 CoinWarmStartDiff | Abstract base class for warm start `diff' objects |
  CoinWarmStartBasisDiff | A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartBasis objects |
  CoinWarmStartDualDiff | A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartDual objects |
  CoinWarmStartPrimalDualDiff | A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartPrimalDual objects |
  CoinWarmStartVectorDiff< T > | A `diff' between two CoinWarmStartVector objects |
  CoinWarmStartVectorDiff< double > | |
  CoinWarmStartVectorDiff< U > | |
  CoinWarmStartVectorPairDiff< T, U > | |
 CoinYacc | |
 std::complex | STL class |
 std::list< T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::map< K, T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 OsiCuts::const_iterator | Const Iterator |
 std::unordered_map< K, T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::forward_list< T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::basic_string< Char >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multimap< K, T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::set< K >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::string::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_set< K >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::wstring::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multiset< K >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multiset< K >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::vector< T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::deque< T >::const_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::list< T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::forward_list< T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::map< K, T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_map< K, T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::basic_string< Char >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::set< K >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::string::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_set< K >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multiset< K >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::deque< T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::wstring::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multiset< K >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::vector< T >::const_reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::deque< T > | STL class |
 dropped_zero | Tracking information for an explicit zero coefficient |
 EKKHlink | This deals with Factorization and Updates This is ripped off from OSL!!!!!!!!! |
 std::error_category | STL class |
 std::error_code | STL class |
 std::error_condition | STL class |
 std::exception | STL class |
  std::bad_alloc | STL class |
  std::bad_cast | STL class |
  std::bad_exception | STL class |
  std::bad_typeid | STL class |
  std::ios_base::failure | STL class |
  std::logic_error | STL class |
   std::domain_error | STL class |
   std::invalid_argument | STL class |
   std::length_error | STL class |
   std::out_of_range | STL class |
  std::runtime_error | STL class |
   std::overflow_error | STL class |
   std::range_error | STL class |
   std::underflow_error | STL class |
 FactorPointers | Pointers used during factorization |
 std::forward_list< T > | STL class |
 glp_prob | |
 std::ios_base | STL class |
  std::basic_ios< char > | |
  std::basic_ios< wchar_t > | |
  std::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
   std::basic_istream< char > | |
   std::basic_istream< wchar_t > | |
   std::basic_ostream< char > | |
   std::basic_ostream< wchar_t > | |
   std::basic_istream< Char > | STL class |
    std::basic_ifstream< char > | |
    std::basic_ifstream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_iostream< char > | |
    std::basic_iostream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_istringstream< char > | |
    std::basic_istringstream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_ifstream< Char > | STL class |
     std::ifstream | STL class |
     std::wifstream | STL class |
    std::basic_iostream< Char > | STL class |
     std::basic_fstream< char > | |
     std::basic_fstream< wchar_t > | |
     std::basic_stringstream< char > | |
     std::basic_stringstream< wchar_t > | |
     std::basic_fstream< Char > | STL class |
      std::fstream | STL class |
      std::wfstream | STL class |
     std::basic_stringstream< Char > | STL class |
      std::stringstream | STL class |
      std::wstringstream | STL class |
    std::basic_istringstream< Char > | STL class |
     std::istringstream | STL class |
     std::wistringstream | STL class |
    std::istream | STL class |
    std::wistream | STL class |
   std::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
    std::basic_iostream< char > | |
    std::basic_iostream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_ofstream< char > | |
    std::basic_ofstream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_ostringstream< char > | |
    std::basic_ostringstream< wchar_t > | |
    std::basic_iostream< Char > | STL class |
    std::basic_ofstream< Char > | STL class |
     std::ofstream | STL class |
     std::wofstream | STL class |
    std::basic_ostringstream< Char > | STL class |
     std::ostringstream | STL class |
     std::wostringstream | STL class |
    std::ostream | STL class |
    std::wostream | STL class |
   std::ios | STL class |
   std::wios | STL class |
 std::list< T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multiset< K >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::map< K, T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multimap< K, T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 OsiCuts::iterator | Iterator |
 std::unordered_map< K, T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::deque< T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::forward_list< T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::basic_string< Char >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::set< K >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::string::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::wstring::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multiset< K >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_set< K >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multimap< K, T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::vector< T >::iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::list< T > | STL class |
  OsiUnitTest::TestOutcomes | Utility class to maintain a list of test outcomes |
 std::list< TestOutcome > | |
 std::map< K, T > | STL class |
 std::multimap< K, T > | STL class |
 std::multiset< K > | STL class |
 OsiAuxInfo | This class allows for a more structured use of algorithmic tweaking to an OsiSolverInterface |
  OsiBabSolver | This class allows for the use of more exotic solvers e.g |
 OsiBranchingInformation | |
 OsiBranchingObject | Abstract branching object base class |
  OsiTwoWayBranchingObject | This just adds two-wayness to a branching object |
   OsiIntegerBranchingObject | Simple branching object for an integer variable |
   OsiLotsizeBranchingObject | Lotsize branching object |
   OsiSOSBranchingObject | Branching object for Special ordered sets |
 OsiChooseVariable | This class chooses a variable to branch on |
  OsiChooseStrong | This class chooses a variable to branch on |
 OsiCut | |
  OsiColCut | Column Cut Class |
  OsiRowCut | Row Cut Class |
   OsiRowCut2 | Row Cut Class which refers back to row which created it |
 OsiCuts::OsiCutCompare | |
 OsiCuts | Collections of row cuts and column cuts |
 OsiHotInfo | This class contains the result of strong branching on a variable When created it stores enough information for strong branching |
 OsiObject | Abstract base class for `objects' |
  OsiObject2 | Define a class to add a bit of complexity to OsiObject This assumes 2 way branching |
   OsiLotsize | Lotsize class |
   OsiSimpleInteger | Define a single integer class |
   OsiSOS | Define Special Ordered Sets of type 1 and 2 |
 OsiPresolve | OSI interface to COIN problem simplification capabilities |
 OsiPseudoCosts | This class is the placeholder for the pseudocosts used by OsiChooseStrong |
 OsiRowCutDebugger | Validate cuts against a known solution |
 OsiSolverBranch | Solver Branch Class |
 OsiSolverInterface | Abstract Base Class for describing an interface to a solver |
  OsiCpxSolverInterface | CPLEX Solver Interface |
  OsiGlpkSolverInterface | |
  OsiGrbSolverInterface | Gurobi Solver Interface |
  OsiMskSolverInterface | |
  OsiSpxSolverInterface | SoPlex Solver Interface Instantiation of OsiSpxSolverInterface for SoPlex |
  OsiTestSolverInterface | Vol(ume) Solver Interface |
  OsiXprSolverInterface | XPRESS-MP Solver Interface |
 OsiSolverResult | Solver Result Class |
 OsiTestSolverInterface::OsiVolMatrixOneMinusOne_ | |
 presolvehlink | Links to aid in packed matrix modification |
 std::priority_queue< T > | STL class |
 std::queue< T > | STL class |
 Coin::ReferencedObject | ReferencedObject class |
 std::map< K, T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::vector< T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multimap< K, T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_map< K, T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::forward_list< T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::wstring::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::list< T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_multiset< K >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::string::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::unordered_set< K >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::set< K >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::basic_string< Char >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multiset< K >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::multimap< K, T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::deque< T >::reverse_iterator | STL iterator class |
 std::set< K > | STL class |
 std::set< int > | |
 std::smart_ptr< T > | STL class |
 Coin::SmartPtr< T > | Template class for Smart Pointers |
 std::stack< T > | STL class |
 symrec | For string evaluation |
 std::system_error | STL class |
 OsiUnitTest::TestOutcome | A single test outcome record |
 std::thread | STL class |
 std::unique_ptr< T > | STL class |
 std::unordered_map< K, T > | STL class |
 std::unordered_multimap< K, T > | STL class |
 std::unordered_multiset< K > | STL class |
 std::unordered_set< K > | STL class |
 std::valarray< T > | STL class |
 std::vector< T > | STL class |
 std::vector< char > | |
 std::vector< CoinBigIndex > | |
 std::vector< CoinTreeSiblings * > | |
 std::vector< double > | |
 std::vector< OsiColCut * > | |
 std::vector< OsiRowCut * > | |
 std::vector< std::string > | |
 VOL_alpha_factor | |
 VOL_dual | |
 VOL_dvector | Vector of doubles |
 VOL_indc | |
 VOL_ivector | Vector of ints |
 VOL_parms | This class contains the parameters controlling the Volume Algorithm |
 VOL_primal | |
 VOL_problem | This class holds every data for the Volume Algorithm and its solve method must be invoked to solve the problem |
 VOL_swing | |
 VOL_user_hooks | The user hooks should be overridden by the user to provide the problem specific routines for the volume algorithm |
  OsiTestSolverInterface | Vol(ume) Solver Interface |
 VOL_vh | |
 std::weak_ptr< T > | STL class |
 K | |
 T | |