Models: 81 NLPs with at least 1000 nonlinear nonzeros from the GAMS GlobalLib

Solvers: Ipopt 3.7 in several variations

  1. COINIPOPT-1: GAMS/COINIPOPT from GAMS 23.1 with MA27 as linear solver
    compiled with Intel 11.1 compiler, using MKL
  2. COINIPOPT-2: GAMS/COINIPOPT from GAMS 23.1 with MUMPS as linear solver
    compiled with Intel 11.1 compiler, using MKL
  3. COINIPOPTD-1: GAMS/COINIPOPTD from GAMS 23.1 with MA27 as linear solver
    compiled with Intel 11.1 compiler, using MKL
    same Ipopt library as COINIPOPT, but new GAMS interface
  4. COINIPOPTD-1: GAMS/COINIPOPTD from GAMS 23.1 with MUMPS as linear solver
    compiled with Intel 11.1 compiler, using MKL
    same Ipopt library as COINIPOPT, but new GAMS interface
  5. IPOPT-1: locally compiled version with MA27 as linear solver
    compiled with GCC 4.3.2 compiler with option -march=native, using ATLAS 3.8.3
  6. IPOPT-2: locally compiled version with Mumps as linear solver
    compiled with GCC 4.3.2 compiler with option -march=native, using ATLAS 3.8.3

Option file:

linear_solver ma27
tol 1e-8
acceptable_tol 1e-8
constr_viol_tol 1e-4
compl_inf_tol 1e-4

Timelimit: 3600 seconds
Optimality and Feasibility tolerance: relative 1e-8, absolute 1e-4


