Full Members
Full Membership in the Foundation is offered to those individuals who make substantial non-monetary contributions to the work of the Foundation, typically in the form of code, documentation, or other work. Full Members elect the Strategic Leadership Board and Technical Leadership Council. Any individual may nominate another for Full Membership in the Foundation. A nomination should describe the nominee's contributions to COIN-OR and must be seconded by two current Full Members. That's all there is to it. Nominations are accepted at any time and should be addressed to the .The following individuals are Full Members of the COIN-OR Foundation:
- Tobias Achterberg, Zuse Institute Berlin
- Francisco Barahona, IBM
- Brad Bell, University of Washington
- Pietro Belotti, Clemson University
- Larry Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University
- Pierre Bonami, IBM
- Brian Borchers, New Mexico Tech
- Onur Çelebi, Nereo
- Benoit Chachuat, Imperial College London
- Christian Condevaux-Lanloy, Université de Genève
- Andrew Conn, IBM
- Frank E. Curtis, Lehigh University
- Sanjeeb Dash, IBM
- Vivian De Smedt
- Balázs Dezső, Google
- Brenda Dietrich, IBM
- Christophe-Marie Duquesne, Amadeus
- Jonathan Eckstein, Rutgers University
- Robert Entriken, Electric Power Research Institute
- Marta Eso, Hotchkiss School
- JP Fasano, IBM
- Joachim Ferreau, ABB Corporate Research
- Roger Fletcher, University of Dundee
- Jaroslav Fowkes, University of Edinburgh
- John Forrest, IBM
- Bob Fourer, Northwestern University
- Kevin Furman, Exxon Mobil
- Matt Galati, SAS
- Gus Gassmann, Dalhousie University
- Julio Góez, GERAD and École Polytechnique de Montréal
- João Gonçalves, IBM
- Chris Groer, Oak Ridge National Lab
- Oktay Günlük, IBM
- Menal Guzelsoy, Lehigh University
- Lou Hafer, Simon Fraser University
- Julian Hall, University of Edinburgh
- Robert J. Hansen, University of Iowa
- Robert Harder, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern)
- William Hart, Sandia National Laboratories
- David Haws, University of Kentucky
- Michael Henderson, IBM
- Tim Hultberg, EUMETSAT
- Marcel Hunting, Paragon Decision Technology
- Brady Hunsaker, Google
- Dave Jensen, IBM
- Michael Jünger, Universität zu Köln
- Alpár Jüttner, Eötvös Loránd University
- Alan King, IBM
- Christian Kirches, Universität Heidelberg
- Péter Kovács, Eötvös Loránd University
- Bjarni Kristjansson, Maximal Software
- Laszlo Ladanyi, IBM
- Carl Laird, Carnegie Mellon University
- Yi-dong Lang, Carnegie Mellon University
- Jon Lee, University of Michigan
- Leo Liberti, LIX École Polytechnique
- Jeff Linderoth, Lehigh University
- Leo Lopes, SAS
- Robin Lougee, IBM
- Miles Lubin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Jun Ma, Northwestern University
- Mirko Maischberger, Università degli Studi di Firenze
- François Margot, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kipp Martin, University of Chicago
- Stuart Mitchell, University of Auckland
- Giacomo Nannicini, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Ivo Nowak
- Dominique Orban, GERAD and École Polytechnique de Montréal
- Juan Pérez, Imperial College London
- Cynthia Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories
- Andreas Potschka, Universität Heidelberg
- Arvind Raghunathan, United Technologies Research Center
- Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University
- Marcel Roelofs, AIMMS
- Paul Rubin, Michigan State University
- Matt Saltzman, Clemson University
- David Savourey, École Polytechnique
- Nidhi Sawhney
- Katya Scheinberg, IBM
- Thomas Schleiff
- Wayne Sheng, Georgetown University
- John Siirola, Sandia National Laboratories
- Daniel Silva, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mike Steglich, Technische Hochschule Wildau
- John Tomlin
- Mehdi Towhidi, GERAD
- Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon University
- Stefan Vigerske, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Sebastian Walter, Universität Heidelberg
- Andrea Walther, Universität Paderborn
- Andreas Wächter, IBM
- Philip Walton
- Jean-Paul Watson, Sandia National Laboratories
- Yan Xu, SAS
- Joseph Young, OptimoJoe
Associate Members
The following individuals are Associate Members of the COIN-OR Foundation:
- Larry D'Agostino
- Zeliha Akca, Lehigh University
- Jeff Arthur, Oregon State University
- Mihai Banciu, University of Pittsburgh
- Mustafa Baz, University of Pittsburgh
- Tiberius Bonates, Rutgers University
- David Bradford
- Mark Bullock
- Chih-Hui Chang, IBM
- Lijian Chen, University of Louisville
- Sheng Yuan Chen, IBM
- Alan Cipolone, Lucent Technologies
- Nathan Craig
- Harlan Crowder, Dieselbrain Partners
- Prashant Dave, Marriott International
- Jamison Day, University of Houston
- Brian Denton, IBM
- Kursad Derinkuyu, Lehigh University
- Alen Duka, Alenduka.com
- Erhan Ekici, IBM
- Kyle Ellrott, University of Georgia
- Feng Gao, ABB Inc.
- Marco Giorgini, University of Bologna
- Wasu Glankwamdee, Lehigh University
- Julio Goez, Lehigh University
- Noam Goldberg, Rutgers University
- Harvey Greenberg, University of Colorado at Denver
- Gabrielle Grun, Simon Fraser University
- Eldon Gunn, Dalhousie Univesity
- Peter Hahn, University of Pennsylvania
- Pu Huang, IBM
- Heesu Hwang, US Airways
- Udom Janjarassuk, Lehigh University
- Adam Juda, Harvard Univesity
- Manjunath Kamath, Oklahoma State University
- Frank Kampas, WAM Systems, Inc.
- Mustafa Kilinc, Lehigh University
- Nan Kong, University of South Florida
- Ananth Krishnamurthy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Sam Kumar
- Baptiste Lebreton, INSEAD
- Benjamin Lowe, Bell Labs
- Timothy Magee, University of Colorado
- Ashutosh Mahajan, Lehigh University
- Umesh Mathur, Control Simulation
- Andres Medaglia, Universidad de los Andes
- Trevor Miles
- Stuart Mitchell, Auckland University
- Marcelo Mydlarz, Rutgers University
- Stephen Nash, National Science Foundation
- Mahmuda Naznin, North Dakota State University
- Ryan O'Neill
- Robert Orzell, IBM
- Hacene Ouzia, UPMC Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
- Ojas Parekh, Emory University
- Dhaivat Parikh, MergeGlobal, Inc.
- Ali Pilatin, Lehigh University
- David Rader, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
- Mario Rappi
- Andre Renato, Rutgers University
- Fred Roberts, DIMACS
- Ying Rong, Lehigh University
- Michael Rothkopf, Rutgers University
- Christine Shoemaker, Cornell University
- Susan Slotnick, Cleveland State University
- Cole Smith, Univesity of Arizona
- Eric Solano, RTI International
- Jin-Hwa Song, ExxonMobil
- Chen-Han Sung, Texas A&M International University
- Robert Tenga, Supply Chain Consultants
- Nitin Verma, Dash Optimization
- Gizelle Vianna, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- James Wang, Honeywell
- Jian Wang, Archstone-Smith
- Qiang Wang, University of California at Davis
- Stefan Wild, Cornell University
- Shane Wu, University of Pittsburgh
- Wei Yang, Dalhousie Univesity
- Justin Yates, University of Buffalo
- Vincent Yu, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
- Yang Yuan, University of Arizona
- Wei Zeng, Rutgers University
- Hongxia Zhao, SUNY at Buffalo